Virtual Tours Around the World
Take a virtual tour of some of the world’s biggest attractions, right from the comfort of your very own home
The Louvre
Tour the different galleries of the Louvre museum in Paris
Visit all of the natural wonders at Yellowstone Park, right from your home
Take a look around Stonehenge, and learn about all of the different stones that are there
Buckingham Palace
See where the queen lives with this virtual tour of Buckingham Palace
Birmingham Museum
Explore the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, and see all of the wonders that are there
The Great Pyramid
See the tomb of Queen Meresankh III under the Great Pyramid
Tour a random place
If you don't know where you want to go, take a tour around a random place - it could be anywhere in the world.
Smithsonian Natural History Museum
A fantastic virtual walk around - you can really up close. A great resource.