What is my idea generator
February 18, 2020 
My name is Sam. This is my Random Idea Generator. When me and mom want to think of something to do in the holidays, we used to use my idea generator to choose something. It used to be a cardboard box, with a hole for a stirring stick, and another hole for me to pick out a piece of paper with something to do on it.
Now it’s online which is much more fun and everyone can use it if they’re bored or don’t know what to do.
Once I made every thing to do say Play Minecraft!
If you have any ideas for things to do use the contact form and I will add them to the Random Idea Generators!
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Kerry Haughton
What about – go on a dinosaur hunt in the local woods? My 3 and 5 year old love to do that. This is a great idea, well done you! You have a really bright future ahead of you and a wonderful mum.
Rachel Conlisk
That’s a brilliant idea! Thank you so much X (from Sam’s mom)